Our mission is to protect the rights of individuals and businesses to get the best possible tax resolution with the IRS.

We have recently become aware of companies and/or organizations who are calling people using the generic name "Tax Relief Center" for their phone solicitation activities. TaxReliefCenter.org does not make these automated calls to consumers and it is our policy not to engage in this form of marketing.If you have received such a call, please let us know by emailing report@taxreliefcenter.org so that we may report this unauthorized activity.
Additionally, the IRS does not use email, text messages or social media to discuss tax debts or refunds with taxpayers. The IRS initiates most contacts with taxpayers through regular mail delivered by the U.S. Postal Service. There are special circumstances when they may reach out via phone regarding overdue tax bills or delinquencies, but almost always only after they’ve already sent a letter first.
UPDATE: Recently we have learned of instances where consumers are also getting automated calls regarding “unpaid taxes”. Do not respond to these calls as the IRS will typically send letters or notices via U.S. mail. So, if any company or organization calls claiming you have unpaid taxes, DO NOT respond to these unsolicited calls.

What Is A Tax Write Off And How Does It Work? | Your FAQs Answered

What is a tax write off? If you don't know what this means, you're probably missing out on opportunities to significantly cut your taxes. It's any expense that you can claim in your income tax return as a deduction, but you need to make sure that you qualify for these so you won't have a bad experience when the IRS comes to audit. Read on to learn more. In this article: … [Read more...]

What Are Tax Exemptions And What Qualifies As A Tax Exemption?

Anyone who is filing taxes should ask the right questions that may benefit them in the long run, such as what are tax exemptions and what do they need to qualify? Understanding them can help you reduce your tax liability. What Are Tax Exemptions? | Learn Its Definition and More In This Article: How Do Tax Exemptions Work? Tax Exemptions for Individuals Tax … [Read more...]

How to Calculate Taxes on Income

Calculating taxes on income can be confusing. There are several things to consider when figuring this out such as: determining your gross and taxable income as well as the applicable deductions. The numbers can be confusing, so read on to learn about all the things to consider when calculating your taxes on income. A Look at How to Calculate Taxes on Income Determine your … [Read more...]

Federal Tax Bracket | Frequently Asked Questions

If you would like to compute how much tax you need to pay, you have to start by looking at your federal tax bracket. The tax bracket will help you determine how much income tax you have to pay in a given year. This information is very important because it allows you to file federal income tax returns and pay the right taxes. To learn more about the federal tax brackets, check … [Read more...]

3 Key Points To Remember When You Calculate Payroll Taxes

Things can get tricky when you calculate payroll taxes for your employees. With so many things to keep track of, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. However, with a little help, you should be able to get the hang of the whole thing in no time. Here are some key points to remember when calculating your employees' payroll taxes. Calculate Payroll Taxes Like a … [Read more...]